December 29, 2010

good thoughts, and some cool earmuffs.

I have fully enjoyed these last few weeks and days of 2010 - last week I had an entire week of my own paid time off, and then this week was company holidays, including next Monday... so I've had two weeks (and another day) off paid and it has been terribly great. Oh, I can't explain it - and I'm not sure how I feel yet on going back to work, but I've got to so either way... I gotta go!

I have enjoyed this time by (trying) keeping up on my reading, sleeping, spending good quality time with some friends, and even started a marathon training a couple days ago - can't wait to see how that goes. And tomorrow, I'm leaving for a weekend in Austin to see some friends get hitched. Er, married :-)

Here's a couple pictures from these laaaaazy vacation days. Also, I hope you've enjoyed the new song that's up by Sara Bareilles. can't stop playing it lately - everyday at home I like to play it on repeat over and over.... can never put away with a wonderful worship song to my Jesus. Happy New Year! Blow some horns and bang your pots and pans!!!

Now, for some more laziness & Nancy Drew mysteries. MMM.

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