November 3, 2010

i like this post

sorry, i didn't know what else to title this post... and i'm very happy so i thought i'd give you an idea.

anyways, i'm just wrapping up my day. everything that had to be done today, wednesday november 3rd, 2010, has been done. i'm still trying to make sure i'm keeping up with my book... because there's another one i'm about to start with a couple of the ladies in my church, it is like chocolate mousse cake. MMMMM. but tonight, anyway, i read chapter three of mr. chan's book. FINALLY. i'm taking my time. tonight's reading (which was pretty much just the last paragraph of the chapter), was even more special to me. it left me feeling touched and encouraged. and it was something so simple, that looking back at it now i'm laughing because it was a huge deal to me just about ten minutes ago. somehow now, i feel like i've been brought back down to the reality of life. in just TEN MINUTES.

it's just neat how one minute i can be talking about one thing with one person, and in that one conversation trying to defend my reasonings and beliefs on where i'm getting it from. and then... without knowing, i'm being personally encouraged in everything i had just said. so now i can be confident that i took a respectful route. at least that's what i feel. and i can be encouraged my eyesight is in the right direction.

to leave you feeling loved: you are chosen as his glorious inheritance (E1:18) just think about that and maybe write about it to experience for just a moment how good this crazy love really is.


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